24 > 26.06.2022

Terms of access

This is the Camping charter. Thanks for respecting these rules during the entire festival stay.

Terms of access

  • Access to the camping site is restricted to persons who are at least 16 years old, except if the minor is accompanied by and under the responsibility of a person of full age.
  • Our campsite opens on Friday morning June 24 at 9h30 a.m. and closes on Monday June 27 at 12 p.m.
  • You will receive your personal camping bracelet in exchange for your Combi+Camping ticket. This bracelet gives you access to both the festival and the camping site and will be delivered at the entrance of the camping.
  • We accept 2-person tents with at least 1 occupant, 4 person tents with at least 3 occupants and 6 person tents with at least 5 occupants. Attention: not all the zones are situated in a grassy area: please provide a self-supporting structure.
  • The site is divided into zones which are indicated by signalization tape. Tents must be set up within these areas in order to allow full access to emergency services at all times. Tents blocking the thoroughfares will be removed immediately.
  • Camping cars, vans and caravans are accepted in a special location in the camping. However, we do not give you access to water and electricity. It is important to respect your location and it is forbidden to empty your truck on the site. Please make sure your vehicle has passed all the required technical checks and you dispose of all necessary legal documents for the vehicle as well as all the installations, especially those working on gas. In order to enter the camping with a vehicle, you need to obtain a special "CAMPING CAR" ticket in presale for every vehicle.


  • The festival places great importance on respect for others in all its forms. A zero tolerance will be applied to any form of harassment, which can lead to exclusion from the campsite and police intervention if necessary.


  • The campsite is located in a residential area. Out of respect for the peace and quiet of the neighbourhood and your fellow campers, it is prohibited to use powerful speakers. In case of noise nuisance, the festival has the right to confiscate this material and return it at the end of the festival.

Respect for the environment

  • The festival places a great deal of importance upon cleanliness and recycling. The campsite is equipped with a sorting area and upon arrival each camper will receive free garbage bags. Thank you for sorting your waste and placing your garbage bags in the containers provided for this purpose.

Not permitted on the campsite

  • Cars, motorcycles, trailers
  • Tents with a canopy or extension
  • Glass (we accept plastic bottles)
  • Sharp objects, weapons
  • Strong alcohol and drugs (we do except 2 liters of beer per person, per day)
  • Powerful sound systems, small Bluetooth speakers are allowed
  • Gas burners and other gas fuelled equipment including camping stoves (with the exception of fixed and conform camping car installations)
  • Fire (campfires, flaming torches, candles, charcoal grills, fireworks, firecrackers,…)
  • Animals, with the exception of guide dogs
  • The distribution of flyers, stickers or any other promotional items, unless the festival has given its approval at least 30 days before the festival
  • Hanging, confirming, pasting or displaying stickers, flags, posters and banners, unless the festival has given its approval at least 30 days before the festival
  • Commercial activities: it is forbidden for campers to sell food, beverages or any other type of merchandise

Water and light

  • The camping site is equipped with running water which is also drinkable. The festival provides general lighting of the site but does not provide electricity for the campers.
  • The chill zone provides mobile phone chargers.


  • Cooking on camping burners, barbecues, etcetera is not allowed due to security reasons. In our “FREE GRILL ZONE”, our chefs will freely cook your aliments to perfection on our own barbecues.  
  • Within the campsite we offer fair trade breakfasts, beverages (soft drinks, coffee and tea) and snacks at democratic prices.


  • The Red Cross will be present 24 hours a day.
  • Do not bring any valuable items onto the camping site or keep them with you at all times. The festival is not responsible for loss or theft.
  • Stewards and a security service (recognizable by their t-shirts) will permanently monitor the site. If you notice anything suspicious on the camping site, please contact them immediately.
  • Lost and found items will be deposited in the co-ordinator's office on the campsite until Monday 12h.
    • From 30/6 to 3/7 please send a mail to festival@couleurcafe.org
    • On 6/7 all items that are not collected will be transferred to the lost and found department of Brussels City (Rue Frontispice 55, 1000 Brussels -> +32 (0)
  • Anyone attempting to climb, open or damage infrastructure, or to smuggle objects inside the camping will be immediately excluded from the camping and the festival.


Warning: Any breach of these regulations may result into an immediate expulsion of the camping and festival grounds without any refund.


Camping is organized in collaboration with the Asmae  Association www.asmae.org

For all practical camping questions: morgan@couleurcafe.org

For all ticket questions: festival@couleurcafe.org